Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy


Here at Cascabelle (we, us), we are committed to protecting the data that we hold and use about you and to respecting your privacy.  We are confident that you will find the information that you need set out in this policy, but if you need to know more about the data that we hold or the way that we use it, you can contact us by emailing

  1. About this policy
  2. The way that we use your personal data
    1. What personal data do we collect?
    2. How do we collect personal data?
    3. How do we use personal data?
    4. How do we share your personal data?
  3. Security and retention of your personal data
  4. Your rights and how to contact us
  5. Changes to this privacy policy


1. About this policy

This policy (together with our Terms of Use, E-commerce terms and other documents that we may refer to within this policy or within the Terms of Use or E-commerce terms) describes the data that we collect from you or about you, and the way that we use it. Please read the policy carefully as it will help you to understand the way that we use your data and our reasons for doing so.

The "data controller" of your personal data (in other words, the organisation that determines how your data is used) is Wowcher Limited (company number 04264984) of Wowcher Towers, 12-27 Swan Yard, Islington, London N1 1SD.


2. The way that we use your personal data

A. What personal data do we collect?

This policy gives you information about the way that we use your "personal data".  Personal data is any information that could be used to identify you in some way. The personal data that we collect from or about you may include the following:

  • name;
  • address;
  • e-mail address;
  • phone number;
  • any location or category preferences you have subscribed to in relation to the products and services we offer;
  • location information from the device that you use to visit the Site;
  • financial, credit and debit card information when you make a purchase or contact our customer service team;
  • information about the products and services you purchase from us;
  • information about your visit to our website, including information about how and when you came to visit our website, how you interacted with the website (products you viewed or searched for; page response times, download errors, length of visits to certain pages, page interaction information such as scrolling, clicks, and mouse-overs), and where you went next (including full URLs and methods used to browse away from the Site);
  • technical information about the way that you use web or mobile services, including the internet protocol (IP) address used to connect your computer to the internet, your login information if you register on our website or via our app, browser type and version, time zone setting, browser plug-in types and versions, operating system and platform, device information;
  • information collected from our website and elsewhere across the internet through cookies, web beacons, pixel tags, device identifiers and other technologies including information about your shopping habits and preferences; and
  • demographic information and other information provided by you.

Although we may offer items or services for purchase which may be relevant to children, we do not intend for any of our Sites or services to be used by children, and we do not intend to collect data from children. 

Similarly, we do not intend to collect (and we ask you not to disclose) any particularly sensitive data such as data relating to your health, religion or ethnic background.


B. How do we collect personal data?

We (and other organisations that we work with, such as our suppliers and service providers) may collect personal data in a variety of ways including:

Directly from you:

Information such as name, address, telephone number, email address, as well as other information, such as your website registration details and preferred means of communication, may be collected when you voluntarily provide this information to us (for example when you register on the Site as a customer or make an enquiry, purchase any of our products or services, participate in our message boards, blogs or any other user generated content facilities, or send emails to us);

From other sources:

We work closely with third parties providing services to us (including, for example, business partners, sub-contractors providing technical, payment and delivery services related to the goods or services we provide to you, advertising networks, social networking platforms, analytics providers, search information providers) and we may also receive information about you from them;

In some circumstances related to a particular transaction, we may obtain data from public databases or credit reference agencies; and

We may combine information that we collect about you from other sources with the information that you give to us directly. We may use this combined information as described in this policy;


Our Site uses cookies to recognise you when you visit and use the Site. This helps us to provide you with a good experience when you browse our Site (for example, certain cookies help to remember your preferences or items that you have placed in your 'basket' on the Site) and also allows us to improve our Site. Other cookies help us to tailor online advertising based on your interests and behaviour on our website and across the internet.  For more information on the cookies we use, the purposes for which we use them and ways to limit the use of cookies and similar technologies in relation to your browsers or devices, please see our Cookies Policy;

Through your browser or device or through our servers:

Certain information is collected by most browsers or automatically through your device, and we also collect your IP address or other device identifier (this enables us to recognise your computer or device when you use the Site) via our server log files.


C. How do we use personal data, and what is our justification for doing so?

We use your personal data for a variety of purposes related to the products and services that we provide.  From a legal perspective, there are various reasons for doing so and we have set out an explanation of this below.

For purposes related to the provision of the products and services that we offer to you:
  • to provide you with the information, products and services that you request or purchase from us (i.e. to complete certain tasks, processes or orders on our website or within our apps, take payment online (where applicable) and deliver your products or services), and to communicate with you regarding those products and services (including vouchers) that you purchase from us and respond to your questions and comments;
We use your data in this way either because we have a contract with you (for example, if you purchase goods from our Site, a contract to provide those goods to you) or because it is in our legitimate interests to do so (for example, it is in our interests to measure customer satisfaction and 'troubleshoot' customer issues) but we will always ensure that your rights are protected.
  • to measure customer satisfaction and provide customer service (including liaising with merchants to troubleshoot in connection with your purchases or your requests for services);


For advertising and marketing purposes, including to measure how effective our marketing is:
  • to contact you with daily or weekly emails to let you know about products and services we offer (and that the merchants who advertise on our Sites offer) that we think you might be interested in based on your subscribed location and other preferences on your account, we may also combine this with information we collect from other sources to ensure we are only telling you about products and services which would interest you; 
We rely on your consent to contact you directly about the products and services on offer on our Site (for example, we will send you marketing emails based on your consent). In other scenarios (for example, measuring the effectiveness of our marketing), we will rely on our legitimate interests as a business, always ensuring that your rights are protected.  
  • to measure the effectiveness of our marketing campaigns and our advertising (i.e. so that we can tell what interests our customers and what doesn't);  
  • for information on how we use cookies, please see our cookie policy;


For administrative and internal business purposes:
  • to ensure that content on our Site is presented in the most effective and relevant manner for you and for your device and to tailor the Site’s experience and content based on the way that you use the Site;
It is in our legitimate interests as a business to use your data in this way.  For example, we have a clear interest in ensuring that our Site works properly and that our products and services are high quality and efficient. We will always ensure that your rights are protected.
  • to administer our Site and for internal operations, including troubleshooting, data analysis, testing, research, statistical and survey purposes;
  • for our internal business purposes, such as analysing and managing our businesses, audits, developing new products or services, enhancing our Site, improving our services and products and identifying usage trends.  For these purposes, your personal data will be aggregated and looked at on a statistical basis;


For security and legal and compliance purposes:
  • as part of our efforts to keep our Site safe and secure;
In some cases, we will need to use your personal data to fulfil a legal obligation (for example, if we receive a legitimate request from law enforcement agencies), and in other cases (such as the detection of fraud or ensuring the security of the Site) we will rely on our legitimate interests as a business to use your data in this way.  
  • to detect or prevent fraud or other illegal activity;
  • as we believe to be necessary or appropriate in each case in order to comply with laws or legal process (including laws or legal process in other countries); 
  • to protect our rights or property (or the rights or property of others) and to enforce our rights and pursue available remedies;


International transfer of your data:
  • some of the processes involved in our use of your personal data may require your data to be stored or processed in countries outside of Europe.  
Whenever we send (or permit a third party to send) your personal data outside of Europe, we will make sure that we take steps necessary to protect your data as required by applicable laws.  For example, we may implement specific contract terms or we may rely on service providers who adhere to certain compliance programmes overseas, or we may select service providers based in countries with strong local laws to protect your personal data.  



D. How do we share your personal data?

We will never sell your personal data to third parties.  Your personal data is only shared with trusted third parties for a specific reason, such as to facilitate payments, to enable the sending of emails to customers and suppliers, or to manage our sales process or the provision of customer services to you.  The various ways in which we will share your data are set out below:

(i) Sharing data within our group:

We are part of a group of companies that share various operations and business processes.  We may share your personal data with any member of our group in order to fulfill our contractual obligations to you, or because it is in our legitimate interests to do so (for example, our legal function is provided by another group company which means that your personal data may be shared with our lawyers who are based in another group company). 

We may also disclose personal data to other companies in our group (which includes LivingSocial Europe Limited and Excalibur Bidco Limited) and may use and share with those companies any information we learn from your interactions with us and from other companies in our group. Subject to acquiring your consent, you may be contacted by other companies in our corporate group by email, telephone, SMS and/or post with information and offers within the group.

(ii) Sharing with organisations providing services to us:

We engage various third parties to provide services to us for specific functions, and this will often mean that we need to share your personal data with them (it is in our legitimate interests to do so, since we may not have the capabilities to provide these services ourselves).  In each case, we will ensure that these third parties are only allowed to use your personal data in order to provide the relevant services to us.  We will always make sure that we use organisations that we trust to look after your personal data appropriately and as required by applicable laws. 

Some examples of these third parties will include: credit card processing services, order fulfilment, delivery providers, analytics, website management, information technology and related infrastructure provision, customer service, auditing, and other similar services.

In some cases, we may use a third party payment service such as PayPal to process purchases made through the Site. In these cases, your personal data will be collected by the payment provider on our behalf, and not by us. You should also read the payment provider's privacy policy to make sure that you understand how they may use your data.

(iv) Sharing data with online advertising related service providers:

We may from time to time work with online advertisers, social media platforms and advertising networks to deliver, tailor and measure advertising to you and others both on the Site and elsewhere on the internet (including on social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter).  

The personal data that we allow to be shared with these third parties includes online identifiers such as IP address, data from cookies or similar technologies, or other device related information.

Similarly, we may share certain online identifiers with analytics and search engine providers that assist us in the improvement and optimisation of our Site.

You can choose not to allow your data to be used to deliver targeted advertising by changing your settings within social media platforms, or as described in the third party privacy policies set out above. 

(v) Sharing data in connection with changes to our group structure or the ownership of our business:

If we sell or propose to sell our business or part of it, we may need to disclose your personal data to prospective buyers.

Similarly, if there are changes to our group structure or if our ownership changes, we may need to disclose your personal data to the new owners or operators of this Site or any of our apps as part of that process.

(vi) Sharing data to comply with laws:

There may be scenarios where we are subject to a legal obligation to disclose or share your personal data, such as with law enforcement agencies or public authorities in order to prevent or detect crime. 


3. Security and retention of your personal data

(i) Security of your personal data:

We take the security of your data very seriously and have put physical, technical and administrative strategies, controls and measures in place to help protect your personal data from unauthorised access, use of disclosure as required by law and in accordance with accepted good industry practice. 

To help us keep your data safe please choose a strong, secure password and keep your password confidential and avoid sharing it with anyone.  

(ii) Retention of your personal data:

In broad terms, we will only retain your personal data for as long as is necessary for the purposes described in this privacy policy.  This means that the retention periods will vary according to the type of the data and the reason that we have the data in the first place.  For example, some transaction data will be kept for a number of years in order to comply with various finance and tax related legal obligations.  Other transaction data may be kept for a different period because it is in our legitimate interests to do so in order to provide appropriate customer service.


4. Your rights and how to contact us

The law gives you a number of rights in relation to your personal data and our use of it.  You have the right:

  • to ask us not to use your personal data for direct marketing purposes;
  • to ask to see what personal data we hold about you and to find out about the way that we process the data (and in some circumstances, you can ask us to provide a copy to a third party);
  • to ask us to correct or update any personal data which is inaccurate;
  • to ask for personal data to be deleted in some (but not all) circumstances where there is no good reason for us to continue to process it;
  • to ask us to temporarily stop using your data if you don't believe that we have a right to use it, or to stop us from using your personal data where there is no good reason for us to continue to use it; and
  • not to be subject to decisions made solely on the basis of 'automated processing' (i.e. the right not to be subject to decisions made solely by algorithms or computers without input from a human) in certain circumstances. 

If you would like to unsubscribe from our emails; close your account; or exercise any of the rights listed above, or if you have any queries or concerns about the way that we use your personal data (or any questions about this privacy policy), you can contact us by emailing

You also have the right to complain about our use of your personal data.  You can contact the Information Commissioner's Office via their website:  or by calling 0303 123 1113.


5. Changes to our privacy policy

Any changes we may make to our privacy policy in the future will be posted on this Site.  We may also email you with any changes if we have your email address.  Please check back frequently to see any updates or changes to our privacy policy.

© v12.3.2019


Cookie Policy

What are cookies?

In addition to personal information you provide, we may also collect information about you automatically when you visit the Site or access content in our electronic communications with you.

The collection of information may involve the use of cookies and web beacons. A web beacon is a small graphic image placed on a web page that is designed to allow us to monitor traffic on the Site or within electronic communications. A cookie is a small text file that is placed on your computer's hard drive by your browser. Cookies allow us to identify your computer and find out details about your visit and browsing habits so that we can offer you a more personalised experience and manage, monitor and improve services.

Most internet browsers accept cookies automatically, but usually you can alter the settings of your browser to erase cookies or prevent automatic acceptance if you prefer. If you choose not to receive our cookies, you may not be able to use some of the core features of the Site.

The information collected by cookies and web beacons is not tied to your contact details (such as your name or email address), it only includes general information about your computer settings, your connection to the internet e.g. operating system and platform, IP address, your browsing patterns and timings of browsing on the Site and geographical location.

You can learn more about cookies and how to reject cookies using different types of browser by visiting

Separate tools are also available for managing local shared objects or 'Flash cookies' from the Adobe website. These cookies may be used to manage the effective delivery of services using video or other flash related content.

While you do not need to allow your browser to accept cookies in order to browse much of our web Site or to access many of our services, you must have cookies enabled if you wish to undertake certain services on our website or access any areas reserved for registered users.

How we use cookies

We use cookies for a number of purposes, for instance to enable us to simplify the signing in process for registered users, to help ensure the security and authenticity of registered users, to provide the mechanisms for online services and to enable traffic monitoring. This helps us analyse data about web page traffic and improve our website in order to tailor it to customer needs.

Display advertising on the Site is provided by our advertising partners. Our advertising partners will serve advertisements that they believe are most likely to be of interest to you, based on information about your visit to the Site and other websites (this information does not include your name, street address, email address or telephone number). For more information about this type of online behavioural advertising please visit

Overall, cookies help us provide you with a better website experience, by enabling us to monitor which pages you find useful and which you do not. A cookie in no way gives us access to your computer or any information about you, other than the data you choose to share with us.

For more detail on our cookies, and on trusted 3rd party companies using cookies on our Site click here.